
plural noundilettantes

1.     a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.

2.     a person with an amateur interest in the arts.


Dash is a word used by dilettantes, to describe a strike, or project something somewhere with great force. Like an offensive joke properly told at the right moment, art as comedy skims lightly over limitations and regulations. Like a stone that flits through the streets, Dash is stepping from one foot to the other.

Dash Productions is a cutting-edge venue that takes great pleasure in exploring new arenas, where the ridiculous and imaginative collide and champions the influence of viewpoint and creative expression. With a good foot and right amount of force Dash productions is launching, and along the way, we are aiming at windows with single-minded persistence.

Dash will be an instrument of social commentary that pierces the veneer of tradition. A gallery to showcase the importance of production and the batter behind artists in transition. A chance for something unexpected to cure the wounds from the shattered glass.

The phrase ‘From trash to dash’ implies a transformation or improvement from a bad state (represented by ‘trash’) to a good state (represented by ‘dash’). As a result, the phrase ‘From trash to dash’ can be used to promise that one will invest a lot of effort and significantly improve or transform a certain aspect or area.

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